Here I am sitting in the hotel in Council Bluffs Iowa. the kids are asleep and John and I have our own computers! I should be sleeping because we will have a long day at the Omaha Zoo. I was unable to blog these last couple of days but I definately wanted to do this challenge from TS. So here we go....
1. What did you this year that you’d never done before?
Tried out for an online DT2. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not this year3. Did anyone close to you die?
My favorite cat.....Eli..He was my buddy4. What countries did you visit?
Never been outside this country! 5. What is your biggest struggle within scrapbooking?
I think my creativity is lacking. It seems like all my pages look alike!6. What dates from this year so far will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
October 11....the day I gave birth to my last child7. What is your biggest achievement this year so far?
getting on a design team!8. What is your biggest failure?
Hmmm...Can't say anything I did was a failure. 9. Do you suffer illness or injury?
That goodness no...other than my weight...I am very healthy10. What was the best thing you bought so far this year?
It is a tie between my cricut and my new camera11. Whose behavior merited celebration?
My daughter Anna...She flew through first grade and was one of three who had an excellent score in every subject!12. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
No one that I can think of at the moment13. Where does most of your money go?
The house and all the kids schooling or care14. What do you get really, really, really excited about?
Getting scrapbooking stuff in the mail! (either swap stuff or thing I bought)15. What song will you always remember?
You Spin Me Round by Dead or Alive...singing it right now..You spin me right round baby, right round like a record baby right round, round round....16. Compared to this time last year, are you:a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer?
I am more down on myself but overall my life is pretty happy. I am defintately fatter, and I am richer. With John's new job and all our debts paid off....we are able to stash more least we think we are! 17. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Played more with the 2 older kids18. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Sleeping when I could have been playing with them!19. How will you be spending Summer?
Working mainly. Taking a few mini weekend vacations 20. When did you fall in love?
January 199421. How many anniversaries have you celebrated?
11 (12 in July)22. What is/was your favourite TV program?
CSI!!!23. Name one pet peeve and tell us why it bothers you.
Rude impatient people. Just today I was in line at Walmart and it was a madhouse and the guy behind me couldn't tap his feet or sigh any louder. I just wanted to turn to him and ask him to just stop it!! They were busy and the check out lady was doing her best. Don't shop on a Friday afternoon!! 24. What is the best book you read?
Love all the Harry Potter Books. Can't wait until this last one comes!25. What has been your greatest musical discovery?
That I can still play the flute after not touching it in 15 years!26. What are your scrapbooking goals?
I would love to get published someday but in order for that to happen...I need to submit. So I should make it a goal to start submitting first!27. What is something that leaves you scratching your head within scrapbooking?
Some of the strange things people will alter. I saw something weird the other day but I can't for the life of me remember what it was!What was your favorite film so far this year?
I haven't been to the movies since Samantha was born...if I did...I don't remember the movie!29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I worked and I turned 3330. What is your favorite all time embellishment?
Hmmmm.. this is tough. I love brads and flowers31. How would you describe your personal fashion concepts?
Ha!! What fashion? If I am not in scrubs, I am in denim capris and a tee shirt!32. What keeps you sane?
It should say who because John is the one that keeps me sane. He is usually there for me when I am about to have a breakdown! After would be scrapbooking!33. Which celebrity/public figure do you fancy the most?
I would have to say Rachel Ray. She has the best personality and she is one person I would love to meet34. What political issue stirred you the most?
I try to avoid politics at all cost because it seems like no one agrees with my issues.35. Who did you miss?
My grandma Spitznogle. I haven't seen her in over 2 years.36. Who is the best new person you met?
I can't think of anyone I have met recently. Boy...I need to get out more!37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned.
That having a 3rd child will change your world completely!!38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your life.
Ugh!! I can't remember word to songs very well and the ones I do not relate to my life at all! So I'll pass on this one39. What did you want to be when you were little?
Ack!! A nurse!40. What is something that surprises you?
How easily it is for kids to remember and recall things. Anna is still able to recite verses from the bible she learned 2-3 years ago. I just have to say the first word and she usually can recite the whole thing. I wish I could remember one verse!